About My Local Search
My Local Search is a business listing platform that helps users find local businesses, services, and products in a specific area. It aims to provide an easy way for users to discover local businesses, read reviews, view contact information, and access special offers or discounts. The platform covers a wide range of businesses, including restaurants, shops, service providers, healthcare facilities, and more.
- Digital Marketing
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
- Website E-commerce Design and Development
- Mobile Application Development
- Custom Software Development
Website Maintenance
As a NextGen Website Development company, My Local Search understands the importance of maintaining its website to ensure it achieves its purpose. Website maintenance includes tasks such as monitoring web traffic, updating content, and ensuring the website's security.
Company Information
My Local Search is owned by Pinakshi Infocare Solution Private Limited, a company with the CIN U72900OR2020PTC034357 and ISO 9001:2015 certification. The company is also empaneled as a startup by the Government of Odisha.